
Setting the scene 

What we, and a number of partner bodies, including The SJIB and Unite the Union are seeking is “Protection of Title” for the profession of electrician, a process which already applies to many sectors, from accountants to farriers.

When we explain to people that anyone can call themselves an electrician and carry out electrical work without holding any form of qualifications, they are horrified. In 2017, we undertook a number of interviews with the public across Scotland which reinforced the view that the majority of people would welcome some form of regulation to safeguard them from unsafe or potentially dangerous electrical work.

A call for evidence

To consider the case for regulation, the Scottish Government is seeking to gather evidence on the extent of substandard electrical installations in Scotland and the risks posed to the general public. Scottish Government has commissioned Pye Tait to conduct this research.

This Call for Evidence is the industry’s opportunity to send a clear message to the Scottish Government that action is required and that Regulation should be introduced. It is therefore vital that as many Members as possible take part in the survey to demonstrate the industry’s belief that Regulation should be introduced.

A Working Group

As a result of our lobbying, the Scottish government set up an “Electricians Working Group” in 2016 to explore the challenge of ensuring the safety of electrical installations.

In addressing the challenge, the Scottish Government was committed to three key outcomes:

  • protecting consumers
  • protecting scrupulous traders and creating an inhospitable environment for miscreants
  • maintaining an environment that allows competition within the provision of electrical services to thrive
The group met on three occasions but regrettably it proved impossible to reach a consensus on a way forward. A further meeting of the WG is due to take place on 24th of January which will be chaired by  Jamie Hepburn, the Scottish Minister for Business, Fair Work and Skills. We hope that the outcome of this meeting will see a positive step in safeguarding the public by introducing protection of Title.

Other political action

Jamie Halcro Johnston, Scottish Conservative and Unionist MSP for the Highlands and Islands, is planning to lay down a “Motion for Debate” in the Scottish parliament which will ask Holyrood to:

“Note the calls supporting the principle of the regulation of electricians and asks the Scottish Government to consider how the Parliament’s powers over protection of title could be utilised to reassure the public of the safety of electrical work, in domestic and non-domestic premises”.

We are hopeful that the debate will achieve cross party consensus and will be debated in Parliament shortly. 

The economic case

SELECT commissioned a report from 4-Consulting on the economic impact of regulating electricians in Scotland. The report estimated that the “human cost” of faulty electrical work is around £120M per year. It was also pointed out that regulation would offer an opportunity to grow the industry by attracting more aspirational entrants, where reward and reputation is enhanced, and the value of an electrical apprenticeship is more widely accepted.

The authors cautiously estimated that the net reward to the Scottish economy of regulating the electrical industry would be £58m

Getting the message over

To help raise the profile of our campaign we have undertaken a series of media events. We have a separate Twitter account to promote the regulation message, @Regulate_SELECT and we have issued a series of press releases, which have featured in the national and trade press.

Our most recent action is to provide members with a series of promotional material to help raise the impact of the regulation message. 

We have also created a “Wall of Support“, which shows that our campaign is backed by surveyors, housebuilders, professional bodies and trade unions.

Bodies which have contributed a brick in the Wall include: the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS); the Scottish Association of Landlords; the Specialist Engineering Contractors’ Group; the Association of Electrical Safety Managers; Energy Action Scotland; BAM Construction; the Scottish Building Federation; the Federation of Master Builders; and the Energy Saving Trust.



  69% of fires in the UK  
        attributed to electrical faults              
 £120m cost of faulty        
electrical work per year                          
 £55m Potential annual
savings through regulation  

Scotland's largest
         trade association

79 Membership 
       applications received

68 new members           